
Mykes: Didn't mean to "deflect"; I was just enumerating some of the things that I felt could sway th undecided, as I believe the election of Trump is critical. Those next six to seven months are fraught with danger and I wish there were a way to avoid the possible implosion that could occur. But, I don't have a clue. I don't trust the Democrat leadership to do the right thing. In fact, I expect they'll do the wrong thing: purposefully, to stymie any real progress in a different direction by the new Trump administration.

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Thank you for writing this insightful article. However, I was disappointed that after your question "But we must ask: now what?", you deflected off on to the climate change issue which in my opinion is secondary to the the issue: What can be done in the next 7 months to save the American Nation from implosion?

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Thank you for writing.

Trump could do several war related things: demand an immediate cease fire between Ukraine and Russia. Reinstate the Iran sanctions warning them to stand down, demand an unconditional return of all hostages (I never understood Biden's decision about American hostages) and require a complete surrender of Hamas and then the negotiations might proceed; arresting Hamas in Qatar is also necessary.

Supporting our important ally Israel, destroying Hamas terrorists and strongly warn Hezbola in the north to stand down is crucial. Middle East peace is essential and must continue (Abraham Accords).

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C Schmidt: I agree with you. I believe, however, we can treat these people who were, after all, INVITED by Bumbling Biden with a little dignity. Give them six months to collect their belongings and leave. Maybe even pay for their bus trip back to wherever. If we could figure out a way to make the Democrat party pay, that would be best but I'm not optimistic that we could enforce that.

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The Dems should be stuck with Biden since they knew he was incompetent in 2020.

I’m all for mass deportation of everyone who came into the country under Biden’s watch, and a halt to legal immigration until the system is fixed. All immigration should be predicated on what the immigrant has to offer this country…not the other way around.

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