Excellent and truthful analysis, as usual!

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Mr. Buckley has done it again, pointing out local attacks on conservatives including himself. People are regularly fired, cancelled from social groups, uninvited to high society and worse, for expressing their conservative views. It is no wonder there are few candidates that wish to join in and help our cause to save America from radical liberal doctrines.

The high tax, high regulation, high stress, high illegal immigration, high gender nonsense, high anti America training at schools is what we are against. Yet the left has cleverly and with malice, painted our pro America beliefs as evils to be squelched. The left has been at this hoax for years now and they will not let up. We are faced with the task of re-educating voters and election season is the time to do so.

For instance as a congressional candidate I am taking a strong stance against the invasion from our southern borders, of illegal migrators from all over the world with zero vetting and zero assets so they all end up on welfare or worse, as criminals. From the campaign website here are some of my proposals -

Salud says open the borders!

​Cole says:

1) Close the borders. Build the wall. No to Immigration. 25% of Mexico has moved here already. Stop the fentanyl. Stop the child sex trafficking.

​2) Deport all criminals - 30 year path to citizenship with no voting for 30 years - Same for daca.

3) No anchor babies. No vacation babies. Family reunification in Mexico!

​4) Federal office holders must be born in USA - To American Citizen Parents. And No dual citizenship members in Congress.

​5) Attack cartels in USA and Mexico if needed -

To control cartels and demilitarize Mexico.

​6) Note: US Military was on Mexican border for 100 years 1848-1948 - Put them back there.

People leave Mexico because the cartels run it. Mexico is a violent, out of control, narco state.

7) Tariff Mexico imports to USA 25%.

​8) Tariff remissions from US to Mexico 25% until the border and the cartels are controlled.

From Thomascoleforcongress.com

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When I lived in Montecito and SB I noticed that if you were not liberal than they wanted nothing to do with you. I also saw at UCSB and city college people handing out voter registration to the students. When I asked if this was legal as these students did not live here but their permanent residence was usually In a nothing state , they dismissed me. I’m sure this is still going on.

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Thanks for telling the truth. This is the world we are facing, afraid to call out the evil all around us. But our silence only empowers them.

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