This is a dream team who cares less about partisan politics and more about the BEST the country can be at every turn. Our country will be 250 years old in 2 years (2026). We know good and basic governance when we see it. This dream team is the best of technology, health, discipline, and leadership.

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Jim, my friend. Did you happen to read the first person comments of Republican men and women of character in The NY Times who worked directly for Trump and then declared Trump unfit to serve because of his lack of ethics: Vice President, Secretary of Defense ( two or three of them because he can not hold on to good people) these were people who were very close to Trump and part of his inner circle. Question: If I hang out with Mother Teressa does that mean I have character just like hers? Your reasoning is suspicious, but I still love you, Jim. And I miss our morning breakfasts.

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Jay: the deep state is pulling out all the stops in order to defeat Trump; The Republican "men and women of character" you are referring to I hope don't include Liz Cheney or Mr. Crybaby (I forget his name), or any Republican who voted to impeach the president based upon the ridiculous claims of Democrats. Most of them live off the government teat and don't want it to dry up. That Musk, Kennedy, and Gabbard could risk their reputations to defend and endorse President Trump says all I need to know. It's an easy vote for me. Living with the Clueless Cackler for the next four years would be an unconstitutionally cruel and unusual punishment for all Americans.

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Putting a bumper sticker on your car is a bolder move than most Santa Barbarians would dare, but I’d love to see people make a real investment in the future of America by attending the Rescue the Republic gathering this weekend in DC. It’s not too late to buy a ticket and hop on a plane. America needs to show up and support the people who put their differences aside to peacefully assemble and stand up to tyranny: https://jointheresistance.org/lineup/

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