The depravity of sexually mutilating minors is on par with any cruel experiments ever conducted. How is “hate speech” illegal but sexually manipulating children legal? These are dark times.

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Yes, and when did parents hand over the right to control their own children to the teachers unions?

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Most of us never consented to the teachers union having authority over our children. It was a top down move by neo-Marxists. The biggest mistake parents make is trusting institutions to look out for their children’s interests. There are some excellent teachers, but in my experience they are in the minority. There are even fewer excellent administrators.

I always debriefed my children after school, asking what they learned, and if anything unusual happened. I volunteered in the classroom and was the room mother, hosting class parties. I drove an old car, lived in a small old house and shopped at the thrift store so I could afford the luxury of being a stay at home mom. It paid off, as all my children are self-supporting, rational adults.

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What I don't get is how any parent can be okay with these radical policies that allow teachers and administrators to withhold critical information from parents about their own children. It's bizarre, bordering on criminal. And who needs so many "administrators?" What the heck do they do all day long?

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Haha! We have five elementary schools and one high school in the Santa Ynez Valley. Each school has its own Superintendent, including associated staff and office expenses. There is zero common sense in our current approach to education.

We are living in a period of Mass Psychosis. The people who are not afflicted are living in fear of the mob. Arthur Mille wrote in The Crucible, “…the little crazy children are jangling the keys of the kingdom".

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