Good article on the border.

We were just there, drove The 500 miles…got the fancy hotels in San Diego, (marina Hyatt) drove 80 miles into the desert, put it in four-wheel-drive and lurched down the dusty cactus roads to met the border patrol, the feds. Met feds with guns drawn, and drove with them up to the border as close as they suggested, 1/4 mile. They told us the Catholic united charities and the Jewish United charities are getting funded $100 million each by the federal government to bring in the white vans to pick these up people every day… We watched the cartels drop truckloads of them at the end of the Trump wall and they walked around it, to the highway to get picked up. Yes, we did all that and made a video in the middle of it.


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Apr 1Liked by Jim Buckley

Excellent. I do disagree with you, however, about picking a party. Both parties are awful. The Democrats have been hijacked by the extreme Left Transhumanist totalitarians, and the Republicans are mostly just weak and ineffectual war hawks who have no idea what they really should be fighting. Trump may well be all that stands between us and the Globalist takeover and destruction of humanity. But not because he's a Republican. This is beyond Democrats vs Republicans. If this sounds far-fetched, take a look at the Wikipedia entry for Transhumanism. It's very sympathetic to their goal of creating a Master Race. It outlines how much power they already have in our universities and government, all the while describing a way of thinking that makes Hitler seems warm and fuzzy by comparison. And Wikipedia, which too many people take as the voice of authority, seems okay with it. As obviously they think we all should be. I don't see this as an election year. It seems more and more to me like a battle for the soul of this planet.

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I will comment on this article by Jim Buckley on April Fools day

and appropriate day for this essay on fools. The problem now in

the US is that we have a system, if you can call it that, that educates

fools, rewards fools, and elects fools. Therefore we have a Country

of fools running the so-called-system. The Foolish-Way is now engrained

in our what-ever-it-is and taken over normal human operations.

So welcome to a Foolish Election where, as you can bet the Ranch,

alot of Foolish-nish will happen. The problem now is that our

Tom-Foolery has gotten us embrioled in two major escalating

military confrontations in two critical regions in the World while

we ponder weak and weary on the foolish new election year.

I will close in honor of Mr. Buckley's wife with a french saying

Bonne année et bonne santé............................

Howard Walther member of a Military Family

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